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    Android Ios
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  • Update:

    Mar 31, 2023


    292.9 MB




    Android 4.1 and up

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  • Update:

    Apr 13, 2023


    292.9 MB




    Android 4.1

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Introduction to - Attack Hole - Black Hole Games

Attack Hole is a fast-paced, action-packed game developed by Black Hole Games. The game is designed for mobile devices and is a multiplayer game where the goal is to become the biggest black hole on the playing field by consuming as many objects as possible. Objects that can be consumed range from small objects like pebbles and trees to large objects like buildings and even entire cities. The more objects you consume, the bigger your black hole will be. As your black hole grows, it becomes more powerful and can consume larger and more complex objects.

Players control their black hole by swiping their finger in the direction they want the black hole to move. The black hole will move in that direction until it collides with an object or reaches the edge of the playing field. The game is divided into several rounds, each lasting a certain amount of time. At the end of each round, the player with the largest black hole is declared the winner. Attack Hole features colorful cartoon graphics and an upbeat soundtrack that adds to the fast-paced, action-packed feel of the game. The game's simple controls and addictive gameplay make it easy to pick up, but difficult to master. Overall, Attack Hole is a fun and engaging multiplayer game that is perfect for players of all ages. Its addictive gameplay, simple controls, and colorful graphics make it a must-play for anyone looking for a fun and challenging mobile game.

When a black hole swallows an object, that object is absorbed and its mass is added to the total mass of the black hole. Players must also avoid colliding with other black holes on the playing field, as this will cause their black hole to lose mass. This adds an element of strategy to the game, as the player must balance the risk of attacking other black holes with the reward of gaining extra mass. In addition to consuming objects and avoiding other black holes, players can also use power-ups to gain an advantage in the game. Power-ups can be obtained by consuming special objects that appear on the playing field. Some power-ups temporarily increase the size or speed of a black hole, while others allow the black hole to swallow objects that would normally be too large.

To get the best experience in the game, it is essential to master the game's skills. While playing we can pay attention to some tips that will bring us more help to win

Aim for the middle: The aim of the game is to shoot as many balls as possible into the black hole. Try to aim at the middle of the hole, which will give you the most points.

Use power-ups: This game features features that can help you get higher scores. For example, the "x2" feature gives you double the score for every ball you score. Use these power-ups strategically to maximize your score.

Be patient: It's important to take your time and plan your shots carefully. Don't rush or shoot randomly, as this will likely result in a lower score.

Use bouncing shots: Sometimes, it can be difficult to aim directly at the black hole. In this case, try using a bouncing shot to get the ball into the hole. Experiment with different angles and trajectories to find the most effective bouncing ball.

Practice: As with any game, the more you play, the better you will get. Practice regularly to improve your skills and increase your score.

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