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  • Developer
  • OS
    Android Ios
  • Price
  • Total
  • Genre
    Simulation, RPG,


  • Update:

    Sep 28, 2022


    123.2 MB




    Android 4.1 and up

    Content Rating:


  • Update:

    Jul 6, 2021


    254.2 MB




    Android 4.1

    Content Rating:


Introduction to - Dungeon Village

This is a classic Cairo series game, Dungeon Village; at the same time this is also a very interesting casual game, in this game, the player will play the village dwelling adventurers, and then by defeating monsters to obtain rewards, in the exploration of the maze and crusade against the monster group at the same time, rise their own equipment and items, after obtaining a certain economy, you can build their own house, in the village to live for a long time.

Welcome to this seemingly unassuming but sacred land where you are a true adventurer and you need to build a village of heroes. The game's graphics are still the familiar 2D pixel style, which looks bright and lively. The characters inside as well as the details are all visible. Although it is a 2D pixel painting style, it still can't hide the fact that the game itself is of very high quality. The game combines the classic simulation with R P G adventure to create a whole new gameplay. In the game, players will not only be able to easily manage their own adventure village, but also be able to enter the maze to explore. You can even recruit monsters and make them adventure partners for the brave. Start your adventure now, train more powerful adventurers, challenge huge monsters to get more rewarding upgrades, and equip your town to be more prosperous!

In this game, money and building are two essential options. Most of the sources of money come from blocking doors, which means that the adventurers are trapped in the village to keep spending on it, but even if you don't do it like that, there is no big problem, that is, you may not have much income, and when you have the circus, tear down the extra early buildings, the money will soon have a source. Remember, don't waste too much money in the early stages in order to build a house. There is also the building housing is a property, price - quality - charm - three aspects, the higher the charm, the more often people live, then you will earn more money. To put it differently, if no one lives in your house, it means that the charm is too low to attract people, so you must pay attention to the attributes of the building. Other than that, all other non-housing buildings can't help you earn money, but they can boost your adventurer attributes, and it's up to you which one you choose.

Some of the more important buildings in the game are the inn, the kendo arena, the barbecue hall, the circus, the senior tavern, the museum, the castle magic institute; in the kendo arena and the barbecue hall, you can improve your strength through training; in the circus you can improve your skills; the senior ballroom is a place to replenish your physical strength; more visits to the museum can improve your luck value; the castle, the magic institute is a functional class, you can find new things in You can find new things inside. Many of the first buildings have very few attribute bonuses, so they can all be torn down and replaced, but of course if you like, it's okay to build a town that has everything. But for the sake of efficiency, stay until later, the front first to accumulate adventurer strength and money resources to protect the development but a good choice.

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