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Additional Information

  • Developer
  • OS
    PlayStation Nintendo Xbox Android Ios
  • Price
  • Total
  • Genre
    Action, Adventure, RPG,


  • Update:

    April 7, 2021






    Android 4.1 and up

    Content Rating:


  • Update:

    Jan 13, 2021


    525.7 MB




    Android 4.1

    Content Rating:


Introduction to - Evoland 2

An epic 20 hour long RPG adventure in the history of video games, filled with tons of fun classic game references.

From 2D RPG , to 3D vs Fight , to shooter , i.e. < font color =" blue"> trading card games, and much more, you will jump from one game genre to another, never getting old. Evoland 2 is not only one game, but many games with a story tightly focused on a story that will take you through time and space to discover different art styles and video game technologies.

This version was first released on PC and with 500,000 copies already distributed, we are proud to share with you a carefully tuned experience for Android devices.

I. Prologue

Plot: G in the palace to complete the test given to him by the elders and transport him to the forest

Mission points: 2, use WSAD to control the direction to make the character move to the gate

Use shift attack to cut open the grass in front of you

Second, the magic forest

Plot: The battle between the humans and the demons lasted for a hundred years and ended with the humans paying a heavy price for the victory. 50 years later, the human city seems to be prosperous and calm, but there is a hidden crisis. to see what he can recall.

Mission points

1, from the room first to the left of the soldier dialogue, he will tell you to go to the forest first to prepare some equipment. 2, then go to the weapons store, to the weapons boss consultation. 3, the weapons store boss told you that the old house in the need of the sword, the premise to the river bank fishing where to get the key to the house. The old man fishing let you accompany him to play a small game, here choose the fourth. 4, get the key and go to the old house on the northeast, use the key you get to open the door.

Good App Guaranteed:
This app passed the security test for virus,malware and other malicious attacks and doesn’t contain any theats.

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