League of Legends: Wild Rift
Strategy Action Adventure Android IOS
Game Rating


Additional Information

  • Developer
    Riot Games
  • OS
    Ios Android
  • Price
  • Total
  • Genre
    Action, Adventure, Strategies,


  • Update:

    July 16, 2021





    Android 4.1 and up

    Content Rating:


  • Update:

    Jul 28, 2021


    3.8 GB




    Android 4.1

    Content Rating:


Introduction to - League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift is a 3D isometric view multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. It is based on the League of Legends PC version of Summoner's Canyon, but differs from Summoner's Canyon in that there is no summoning crystal or elemental canyon mechanic in Battle Canyon. In Battle Canyon, there will be two teams of five players each fighting to destroy the enemy's crystals, which are protected by the enemy team and many defense towers [4]. The crystals are located on both sides of the map, in the lower left and upper right corners of the enemy's base. These buildings constantly spawn weak non-player characters called minions, who advance along three troop lines towards the enemy base: the top, middle and bottom lanes respectively. Players push these minions into the enemy base so that they can destroy the enemy crystal and eventually win the game. Between the troop lines are neutral areas of the map called "wilderness", located in each of the four quadrants. A river divides the map between teams, but does not actually impede movement. All summoners can walk in it. Players face off through an average of 15-20 minutes of play per match. In each game mode, teams work together to win by destroying the defense towers in each lane and finally destroying the 'crystals' in the enemy base.

Play the game well and beat the game.

Master the canyons and earn your legendary status with dynamic heroes and ever-changing strategies. Get a chance to get the perfect skill shot every game, turn the tide in a crazy team battle, or pull off a sweet five-kill.

Compete with friends

Teamwork makes this mobile MOBA dream come true. Whether you're a duo, trio or group of five, you can line up with your squad and climb the enemy fortress one team at a time!

Each team will initially have its own buildings, namely the Defense Tower and Crystal Hub. Defense Tower. A powerful defensive facility called a "defense tower" is located on every lane. Defense Towers deal high damage and attack enemy minions and enemy players that are close to them. Defense towers first attack nearby enemy minions, but if an enemy player attacks our player, they will immediately attack the enemy player. Therefore, by pushing their minions into range of the defense tower, the summoner can attack the defense tower without being attacked. When a defense tower is destroyed, it provides gold as well as experience. Defensive towers that are destroyed during a match are permanently destroyed and will not respawn. Destroying a defense tower causes our crystals to spawn more powerful super minions and provides reinforcements for surrounding minions. Then there is the Crystal Hub. Each team has a crystal and can only attack the crystal hub after destroying all the defense towers in the troop line. Crystal hubs do more damage than defense towers, do faster damage, and attack enemy minions and players approaching minions. The game ends when a team's Crystal Hub is destroyed. There are also wild monsters in the middle of the map that can be defeated for the same gain.

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