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Additional Information

  • Developer
    Haoqin network
  • OS
  • Price
  • Total
  • Genre
    Casual, Simulation,


  • Update:

    Oct 31, 2022






    Android 4.1 and up

    Content Rating:


  • Update:




    Android 4.1

    Content Rating:


Introduction to - Meow Mi

One day by an accident, you became the owner of a beautiful farm, but the house is always very restless, always crawling out of the kitchen a lot of mice, is not trying to steal the cheese placed there? Meow Mi is a cute casual game, in which players will become the little master of the cheese, to fight against the mice who want to steal food, these mice run very fast, it is not easy to catch.

But you still have to stop these bad guys rats to steal your cheese, you can use the things around to set traps, or carefully wait for the rats close to quickly catch, in short, can not let them go, you can also be in more different scenes to experience the fun of hunting, let's take action to catch these greedy ghosts! Meow Mi requires players to use their ingenuity and amazing hand speed to deal with the mice in the game, which may seem like a very simple thing, but you have to know that you are not just facing one or two mice, but a whole lot of mice! (Fear of mice players do not worry, the game of mice are cute look, look not scary at all)

The game play is very simple, first when we start the game, the middle of the screen will appear a plate of golden cheese, well, it looks very delicious, and then will come out from all sides a lot of mice want to eat this piece of cheese, so what should we do at this time? Click on the screen and gently slide to drive the mice away. At the beginning of the game when the number of mice is not much, relatively good to deal with, to the more back of the level, the number of mice will be more and more, but also more and more difficult to deal with, the ordinary paddle drive can not stop them, then you need to use to some better props to help you pass, sometimes good luck can also use props to achieve the function of a key to destroy the mice, very good.

You can also set up traps to catch these bad guys stealing cheese, and after the game starts to set up traps around the cheese, you can very well defend the outer circle of mice, then only need to fight the inner circle inside the line.

Good App Guaranteed:
This app passed the security test for virus,malware and other malicious attacks and doesn’t contain any theats.

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