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    Ios Android
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    April 12, 2021






    Android 4.1 and up

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    Android 4.1

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Introduction to - Mobile Legends

A Licensed Game Based on Mobile Legends: Bang Bang! You don't want to miss out on this official sequel!Let's open a new chapter for the adventure on the Land of Dawn!Mobile Legends: Adventure is a unique IDLE RPG game with a giant world map and exclusive hero stories, as well as relaxing gameplay. You can get great resources even when you are offline!Features:1. Carefree Idle GameplayIdle and battle to get great resources! Carefree upgrades & Relaxing GameplayDeploy your squad and heroes will battle for you automatically! Idle to get rewards!Spend 10 minutes a day and you can join this fantastic adventure!2. Abundant Strategies to Choose fromMobile Legends: Adventure offers tens of Heroes of 6 different Powers. Show us your unique line-up and strategy!Collect and upgrade Emblems and Equipment, suit up and power up!You can enjoy this game with just a few taps!3. Endless Stages to ChallengeCampaign, Labyrinth, Tower of Babel...All kinds of battles are waiting for you!Collect, develop and battle! Power up to challenge stronger Bosses!4. Challenge Players from Around the GlobeEnter the Arena to challenge other players!Create a Guild with your friends and challenge Guild Boss together!5. Unlock the LegendStart the adventure on the Land of Dawn with Layla, reveal the little-known truth of the history and witness the Eternal War of Light and Darkness!6. A Licensed Game Based off MLBBMobile Legends: Adventure is the official sequel to Mobile Legends: Bang Bang!Elaborately reworked Heroes will bring you a different experience in this new Idle game!Contact Us:[email protected]Community: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: VK: Policy: of Service:

One of the most important things that will help you in any MOBA game is making yourself familiar with multiple heroes. Sure, playing with your favorite heroes can help you get more kills, but it won't necessarily win more fights. Since there are different characters in the game, you need to be able to adapt to the team composition. You can't just stubbornly choose who you want and expect your team to win. Remember, the battle starts at the hero selection screen. With this in mind, it is a good idea to try to master different types of heroes. This can be challenging at first, as you won't be able to use all the heroes. The game offers you a few heroes for free, but after that, you will have to buy any other heroes you want to use. The good news is that you can try out different heroes for a week. The game temporarily unlocks several heroes for a week. The roster changes once a week, so be sure to check the rotation regularly. Battles begin during the hero selection process. If you do not choose the right champion for the job, you may put the whole team at a disadvantage. It may be difficult to decide who to go for when you are still in the beginning stages. All you need to do is get to know each hero and choose them! It is also important to know every map, knowing every corner point and crevice of the map is important for any player. You will not have time to keep examining the map just to see the line of travel. Studying the maps carefully will help you to walk quickly and anticipate enemy movements. Check out the main areas of the map below to get a better idea of where you are going. Know your role and learn to adapt to the rest of your team. Consider picking up a tank if your lineup is already full to the brim. Always communicate with them and never lose your cool. If you start arguing in the middle of a fight, things will only get worse. A common mistake among new players is to assume that the game is about killing the enemy. They continue to hunt and kill, ignoring lanes. No matter how many kills you get, if you don't advance on the enemy base, your team won't win. Simply direct minions towards the lanes so that they take hits when they attack the turrets. Once all the turrets in the lane are gone, you can proceed to tear up the enemy base. Despite the fact that some teams are at a disadvantage, they can turn the tide if they advance hard enough. Learn to prioritize your priority objectives and you should see an increase in win rates. At the beginning of the game, try to pick up a few monster kills in the jungle before you enter your respective lane. Don't give up on a particular hero easily; some heroes have a higher learning curve than others.

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