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    Sep 21, 2022





    Android 4.1 and up

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    Android 4.1

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Introduction to - Save the Doge

I believe that many of you must be very fond of emoji in your daily life, especially a very magical dog head emoji that has won the hearts of many people. The game is based on the dog head emoji, and if you are a fan of this emoji or a fan of hand-drawn puzzle games, then you must not miss this Save the Doge. in this game, the player will see a cute dog head, and then take a series of game play around this dog head, very interesting.

Use your own imagination and start having fun in this game! Use the in-game drawing props to depict all the strange or fresh shapes you can think of in your mind. Protect the dog head surrounded by many bees. The game currently has more than 200 levels with a variety of levels for you to challenge, and more skins with different styles and shapes for you to choose from. The game is a scratch puzzle on one side and a cute and rich dog head expression on the other. The screen is also in 2D flat art style and the colors look extremely well matched to present a beautiful sense of hierarchy for the game screen. All these can make players experience more fun when playing. Currently Save the Doge the game is at the top of the Google Play Store Hot Games list, with over 10 million likes and an overall rating of 4.3.

When you enter the game, you don't have to worry about not knowing how to play, generally the game will have a newbie strategy, you just need to follow the on-screen operation to familiarize yourself step by step. When you know the main gameplay of this game, you can start to operate. First of all, in the screen, we will see a very cute looking dog head emoji, the player needs to do is to protect this dog head emoji safely through the level fixed time. This time is sometimes 5 seconds, sometimes 10 seconds, generally according to the rules of your current level to determine. And look around the dog's head there will be many dangers, the most common is the bees, players need to do is to slide the screen, next to the dog's head emoji, draw lines to create a cage-like thing to protect the dog's head emoji.

Of course, many players may think, since it is to create a cage to protect the dog head emoji, then directly near the dog head emoji to draw a circle, the dog head circle emoji up is not good. Of course not so simple, to the later levels, you will find that these bees are able to move the lines you have drawn. That is to say, you must find a solid enough, or strong enough a shape to support the impact of the bees, the further back the bee's strength is also greater, which also more test your wisdom. There are a lot of players who said after playing that some shapes that look very reliable often do not protect the dog's head expression, while some randomly drawn shapes instead easily pass, so this game also requires some luck, but more or rely on your wisdom. How about, in order to protect the cute dog expression from being stung by bees, are you willing to come to the challenge

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