Super Mario Run
Game Rating


Additional Information

  • Developer
    Nintendo Co., Ltd.
  • OS
  • Price
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  • Genre


  • Update:

    March 17, 2021


    82.9 MB




    Android 4.1 and up

    Content Rating:


  • Update:

    March 23, 2021


    253.14 MB




    Android 4.1

    Content Rating:


Introduction to - Super Mario Run

As Nintendo's first real entry into the mobile game market, Super Mario Run lets you control Mario, an automatic runner, using some simple touch controls to perform actions such as jumping, collecting coins, and cleaning up small gaps. The game was released for iOS at the end of 2016 and for Android in March 2017. Designed to give mobile users maximum enjoyment of this classic video game, Super Mario Run had to strip away the core parts of the original formula while managing to retain the magic of the Mario games. In this mobile version, Mario runs automatically, leaving the player solely responsible for his sprightly jumps. The game has three modes and will give you a short free try before asking you to pay to unlock the following games. Three modes of play World Tour mode. World Tour mode lets Mario run and jump through 24 levels spread across six worlds. Each level has some special coins, and once you collect all the special coins, you unlock a new set of coins with new obstacles. The essence of this mode is coin hunting, and since there is no running count of lives, you can try all the levels as you see fit. Toad Rally Mode. In Toad Rally mode, you race against another player's ghost to earn the most coins in a timed stage built from the tour mode. The top priority here is collecting gold coins and paying special attention to superstars, which can basically determine the winner. If you win, you'll earn a bunch of toads for your kingdom; otherwise, you'll lose some toads. Build a Kingdom mode. Build Kingdom mode is a simple city-building game that lets you build your own mushroom kingdom. Some buildings will give you special bonuses, and some special buildings will unlock new characters for you to play with.

The player controls Mario who automatically runs from left to right. Players must use the touch screen to make Mario jump. The longer you touch the screen, the higher Mario jumps. Like other side-scrolling Super Mario games, the player must get Mario over traps, jump over enemies, and collect coins at the same time. The player's ultimate goal is to get Mario to pass safely as soon as possible.

When the game is in progress, Mario will automatically jump over small steps when he encounters them, even if he misses, he will turn into a bubble and resurrect immediately, and players can click on the bubble to make it break when it turns back to continue the game. And when encountering small enemies Mario will automatically jump over, in the automatic jump over, players can tap the screen, let Mario make gorgeous movements. In the course of the game, there are up to two opportunities to turn into bubbles and resurrect, some levels will give free bubbles. Once the bubbles are all used up will not be able to resurrect, if you miss, you have to start again. Part of the gold can also use bubbles to get.

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