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Additional Information

  • Developer
    Iron Gate AB
  • OS
    Pc PlayStation
  • Price
  • Total
  • Genre
    Simulation, Adventure, RPG, Strategies,


  • Update:




    Android 4.1 and up

    Content Rating:


  • Update:




    Android 4.1

    Content Rating:


Introduction to - Valheim

Long, long ago, Odin, the father of the gods, ruled the world, he defeated all his enemies and threw them into the tenth realm of the gods, then split the giant wood that supported this purgatory, took a piece of it and turned it into the Tree of the World, and left it alone in this forgotten realm of the exiles. For centuries, the world, even though it was sleeping, had actually been restless, but it did not die, a whole ice age passed, dynasties rose and fell, and the gods did not know everything. When Odin heard that their enemies were regrowing and regaining their strength, he sent the Valkyries to the human world to find him the bravest warriors who had died in the human world, and now they were about to be reborn in, Valheim!

Open world survival building game, the game is based on Norse mythology and Viking culture, want to survive in a world full of magic, you need to get valuable materials to forge their own powerful equipment, only to conquer this continent, in order to get Odin's favor, the game contains the collection of resources, build homes, fight monsters to upgrade and other factors, the player at first to collect wood and stone, to Production of basic weapons and equipment, to repel the first BOSS, the game officially began. After that, the game will become somewhat repetitive, because since it is a construction game, it is necessary to keep collecting, fighting monsters, upgrading, building and so on, and there is more than one boss, will become stronger and stronger, if not fully armed themselves, it is likely to be GG!

But even so this game is also very interesting as well as fresh, the game is full of new surprises and surprises at all times, because the program is set, you never know what will appear ahead when you play, which is also the reason to attract a crowd of players, very mysterious, do not come to experience it.

In Valheim, you have to develop and build your territory to get the appropriate supplies, where do the supplies usually come from? That is to search the map, the game's main areas are: green grassland, dark forest mountain, winter snow mountain, swamp, north wind plains. To get the most beneficial supplies reasonably, you must be familiar with these places well.

-green grassland

This place produces berries, yes it is that thing like strawberries, monsters only dwarves, this is the development base for newbies.

Animals: Deer, pigs

Resources: ordinary wood, stone, birch, oak (these two can get fine wood, need bronze axe and more advanced axe)

-Dark Forest Mountain

There are dwarves all over the place, sticks have no more damage, need more advanced weapons

Monsters: Dwarves, Trolls

Resources: copper ore (surface in the forest), tin ore (walk along the river, small pieces of dotted distribution)

-Winter Snow Mountain

It is very cold here need anti-cold secret wine, or anti-cold equipment, of course, all the way to the campfire can also be laid

Monsters: wolves, werewolves (Finlay), stone giants, frost dragons

Resources: obsidian, silver ore


There is water everywhere, it rains all year round, remember to build a shelter that can run away

Monsters: Slimes (that's what I call them anyway), Ghouls, Ghoul Elite (he's not a ghoul, he's not a ghoul), Skeletons, Locusts (leeches)

Resources: broken iron scrap (digging muddy scrap heap)

-North Wind Plain

This is the home base for the later stages!

Monsters: Ugly Goblins (shield, spear, club), Goblin Shaman, Goblin Berserker (Giant Goblins), Killer Bees

Animal: Bull 

Resources: Goblins drop black gold, goblin camps have flax and barley (flax and barley can only be grown in the North Wind Plain)

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