Some of the best heroes in League of Legends: Wild Rift

BY   13 Oct,2021

I believe that the players who have played the large MB handheld game League of Legends this game must not be unfamiliar, the early years in the end game of the super-hot so that this adaptation of the original painting style of the handheld game is very popular, but many of the heroes inside the characters do not know whether you fully get started to understand, so today we come to list the most popular candidates for each position according to the majority of players summed up.

Fifth place. Upper unit position.

The most popular single is Aon, this hero into the attack can retreat, online can play pressure can also resist pressure, the percentage of damage so that he even out of meat also has a very high damage, the move of the super long-range control can let him in the group battle alone, and the hero's four skills have control, Q has a slowing effect, W after the fragile have a flying effect, E skills also have a flying effect and control range The big move has both control and very high damage, and the passive upgrade equipment mechanism makes him very useful in the late stage, and the effect of the equipment can be built outside the base so that his development ability is particularly strong, is recognized as the most perfectly designed hero on the unit.

Fourth wilderness position.

Recognized as the most perfect hero of the fielding position is the blind monk, every fielding player basically start from the blind monk, this statement is not false, the blind monk has become a refresher course for every fielding player, his flexibility is no other hero, is League of Legends highest mobility hero, qwer four skills have countless kinds of moves, the early catching ability is particularly strong, very good to drive the rhythm, and R skill knockback effect can make the blind monk play very many miracle group battle, surprisingly can appear in the shadow of a blind monk will be the enemy back row kicked into the crowd operation.

The third place in the middle unit

The most perfect hero in the unit design is of course Aso, the unique displacement mechanism makes him the happiest hero of League of Legends, E forward happy is no other hero, this hero in the hands of a powerful summoner is the strongest hero, especially flexible, playing well can appear a show five operations, very silky smooth, seamless E and EQ flash landing double wind and other operations make this hero The ornamental nature of this hero is extremely high, the unique wind wall mechanism allows this hero to have the defensive power that other heroes do not have. Play the game well, happy on the line.

Second place AD position

The most perfect AD design should not be opposed to say Kasha, outfit flexible and changeable, can wear armor can blast can AP, high skill damage, there is output and poke have stealth and burst, there are five ring damage effect, so he either play crispy skin or play tank have a very significant effect, is also one of UZI's favorite heroes, a set of skills can be played instantly without post shake, the explosion is very high, the burst displacement effect of the big move The most perfect AD of League of Legends is just this, shield stealth displacement output are available, the ability to save life is very strong single pick is also powerful, there is more perfect than this ad?

The first auxiliary position

League of Legends officially recognized the most perfect auxiliary hero is Hammerstone, stun knockback slowdown have auxiliary heroes, W is to save the gods, Q skills are hooks in the hands of high play is invincible existence, no matter where the place ambush, as long as the pre-judgment is good can instantly lock up, CD flow Hammerstone in group combat is invincible, very short skills CD can be the enemy hero control to death, in group combat In the group battle is very good to limit the enemy's output, so he became the strongest functional support hero, the most perfect hero deserved.

The most perfect hero is the one who is not necessarily deserving, but still combined with the feedback of the players in the large degree, we think the most perfect hero is which one? Is there your best hero in this?